Man found guilty of being part of worlds most prolific anabolic steroid smuggling gang

Man found guilty of being part of worlds most prolific anabolic steroid smuggling gang

Anabolic steroids, officially known as anabolic-androgenic steroids, are a group of synthetic substances that mimic the naturally occurring hormone testosterone. Class A drugs are treated as the most dangerous and include cocaine, ecstasy, heroin, LSD, magic mushrooms and crystal meth. Importation means the illegal importation or exportation of a controlled drug. If you’re caught with drugs you may be charged with possessing (or possession with intent to supply – a much more serious offence) controlled drugs, whether it’s yours or not.

It’s commonly accepted that girls and women face a lot of pressure to look a certain way. This can lead to low self-esteem and depression or excessive dieting, unhealthy eating habits and eating disorders. Problems with their body image can cause some women to have plastic or intimate surgery because they feel their bodies aren’t good enough. Don’t include any personal or financial information, for example National Insurance, credit card numbers, or phone numbers. Offences with psychoactive substances could be considered ‘aggravated’ if they involved supply to under 18s, were near a school or a children’s home. The importing of a psychoactive substance, which would include buying a psychoactive substance from a non-UK based website, may lead to individuals being prosecuted.

Is it dangerous to mix with other drugs?

Most steroids are only available on prescription, buta few (such as some creams or nasal sprays) can be bought from pharmacies and shops. Users tend to exercise more when they’re taking high doses to make the most of their improved performance during this time. Don’t do this without speaking to your doctor or surgeon first though, as in some cases you might be able to carry on taking them, and you may need to have your dose changed before the operation. If you’re using a steroid cream it’s fine to have vaccinations, but you’ll need to tell the person giving you the injection to avoid the area being treated with the cream. Steroid treatment can stop the body producing natural hormones, which can be dangerous if you get ill, have an accident or need an operation. Keeping the card with you will help any other doctor who treats you to manage your care correctly.

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  • Your doctor, rheumatology nurse or pharmacist should give you a steroid card if you need one.
  • If police suspect you’re going to share drugs with your friends, this is still considered to be supplying.
  • You might not be able to start steroids if you have an infection, or if you have any wounds on your body, as steroids might delay these getting better or cover up some of your symptoms.
  • Athletes such as Lance Armstrong and Justin Gatlin have both damaged the reputation and credibility of their respective sports.
  • Anabolic steroids can be used as performance-enhancing drugs that increase muscle mass and decrease fat, as well as causing many undesirable effects.

Anabolic steroids are usually injected into a muscle or taken by mouth as tablets, but they also come as creams or gels that are applied to the skin. Your doctor may advise you to take drugs called bisphosphonates, or calcium and vitamin D supplements, along with the steroids to help prevent this. Regular exercise, especially things that involve your bones carrying the weight of your body, such as walking, can also help to reduce the risk of getting osteoporosis. Because steroids can cause you to put on weight or have an increased appetite, it’s important to keep an eye on your weight while taking them.

Signs and Side Effects of Anabolic Steroid Abuse

If you’re taking high doses of steroids, or if you’re on them for more than three weeks, you’ll need to carry a steroid card. This will have information on your dose and how long you’ve been taking them for. You should always take medication as prescribed by the person treating you.

  • The class of drug a person is caught possessing, supplying or producing affects the severity of the offence.
  • Local needle exchange programmes in the UK are reporting a significant rise in intramuscular steroid injectors.
  • Many commentators fear a correlation between steroid side effects and allegations of police violence, and steroid abuse by officers is of rising concern for UK police forces.

If you’ve been prescribed anabolic steroids, there is the potential for these kinds of side effects. The difference is that your doctor will have weighed up the benefits versus the risks before prescribing them to you. Your specialist will choose a dosage that will be safe and effective, with the lowest risk of complications or side effects.

Many commentators fear a correlation between steroid side effects and allegations of police violence, and steroid abuse by officers is of rising concern for UK police forces. Here the drugs are taken for a period of time (for example 6–12 weeks) known as an “on” cycle, followed by a similar period of steroid-free training known as an “off” cycle. Such a cyclical method is practised in the belief that it prevents tolerance to the steroids and reduces the risk of side effects from prolonged use.

If you have any questions or concerns about this, talk to the healthcare professional who prescribed your steroids. Treatment with steroids may cause changes in mood – you may feel very high or very low. This may be more common in people with a previous history of mood disturbance. If you’re worried about this, talk to the person who is prescribing your steroids about it. It’s important that you don’t stop taking steroids without speaking to the person treating you first.

What is anabolic steroids cut with?

Steroids are drugs that mimic certain natural hormones in the body that regulate and control how the body works and develops. There are two main groups of natural steroids – anabolic steroids and corticosteroids. It is the anabolic steroids that tend to be misused, mainly because they are similar to the male hormone testosterone and they can improve endurance and performance and stimulate muscle growth. Although it’s not illegal to possess anabolic steroids for personal use, it’s illegal to supply or sell them to other people.

Regularly taking anabolic steroids can lead to physical and psychological changes in both men and women, as well as potentially dangerous medical conditions. If you think you might be addicted to anabolic steroids, you should try and see your GP. They might refer you to a specialist addiction service or a trained drugs counsellor. These services will also be able to help with advice on weaning yourself off the steroids. Regular, heavy anabolic steroid use can lead to tolerance and dependence. This means that a person needs more of the drug to achieve the same effects they did previously with smaller amounts.

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